May Mayhem

Eek 13 days since my last blog post, that’s depressing 😦

What a crazy month it’s been thus far! We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary on the 1st, I’m planning a Mother’s Day Tea Party on the 12th, my Birthday is on the 13th and on top of everything I’m in the midst of a job hunt! Are you exhausted yet? Because I sure am!

Applying for jobs these days is not a walk in the park to say the least. You’re constantly dealing with online postings, crazy profiling questions, recruiters and extensive testing. While I understand the means behind all of the information we provide, some of the tasks/questions can be daunting. Not to mention, you perform all of these tasks and you’re still not even guaranteed an interview!

Luckily, there are some really interesting opportunities on the market for me right now and I ‘ve kept quite busy with applications, phone calls and follow up emails. So far I’ve gone for 5 interviews and all of them except for 1 have gone really well.  The 1 that went not so well you may ask? Haha let me elaborate.

The interview was for an online venture capitalist firm who specializes in plastic surgery and the position was Executive Assistant to the CEO. The HR Manger was extremely friendly and an absolute pleasure to speak with. The position sounded fun and exciting along with great pay and benefits. The office was breathtaking and had a beautiful view BUT the CEO… He was definitely one of a kind! Here are just some of the completely inappropriate interview questions he asked me:

1. “What are your personal finances like?” 2. “Do you currently have any kids? Are you planning on having some anytime soon?” 3. “If I BBM you on the weekend I except you to reply in 5 minutes are you okay with that?”

the devilMillion dollar question: “Have you seen the movie A Devil Wears Prada?  I’m asking because I want you to be my Anne Hathaway.” I almost spit out my coffee at this one! Did he seriously just say that and is he forgetting that he is trying to sell me the job?!!

Being the courteous individual I am, I thank him for his time and tell him that I look forward to hearing from him.  He leaves the room and the HR Manager returns to say “He really enjoyed meeting with you and we will have an offer to you by Tuesday.” At this point I have no words…

My day then gets increasingly better by the hour; I get back to the office and snag my nylons, the fire alarm goes off  forcing me to go down 8 flights of stairs in 6” heels and on my way to another interview I’m the canvas for a seagull splatter paint project! Whomever said that having a bird poop on you is good luck, better be right! As of now,  all I have is a $45.00 dry-cleaning bill!


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