Is this real life?!

I was having a bit of a blah day today and felt really unmotivated.

To try to pull myself out of this rut, I decided to take a moment to look at things/people who inspire me.

I was on twitter and one of the trending hashtags was #IWishICouldMeet.  While most women would probably say Channing Tatum, the first two people who came to mind for me were Kelsey Byers and Tosca Reno. I tweeted just that!


Then to my surprise about an hour later, not only did Kelsey favorite my tweet she re-tweeted it AND replied!!!


Talk about motivation!

While most of you have probably seen my prior Motivational Monday post’s. I’m not sure If I have ever shared why it is that I am on this journey and who it is that keeps me here.


1. To be healthy and to live long

2. To inspire as many others as possible along my journey

3. To feel sexy in a bikini

4. To compete in a swimsuit competition

5. To make a commitment to help others for the rest of my life


1. My Husband, he is the best husband any girl could ever ask for. He is always there to support me no matter what!

2. My Sister-In-Law, she is incredible.

3. Kelsey Byers , she is the fitness model that was featured on the cover of Off The Couch magazine that inspired me to start this journey.

4. Tosca Reno, the AMAZING woman behind the Eat Clean Diet.

5. Tony B, CEO of the Blog Catalog is an amazing resource in the blogging community and without him I may have already given up on this blog. (Be sure to check out the BC and become a VIB, it was the best thing I could have ever done for my blog)

6, 7, 8… Please don’t be offended if I didn’t personally mention you and know that I appreciate the huge amount of support you have provided me.